They are Life Insurance, Critical Illness Cover and Income Protection, each of the life insurance products cover very different risks, so it’s important to know the differences between them before you make any decisions.
Traipsing through all the different kinds of life insurance can be tiresome, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. But rest assured, Velvet will point you in the right direction.
What Is Life Insurance?
Life insurance is pretty self-explanatory, it pays out a cash lump sum to your loved ones in the event that you pass away during the term of the policy. Life insurance provides peace of mind to the ones that matter the most to you.
Let's face it, when a loved family member dies, your world crashes regardless. But Life insurance means it doesn't crash financially and leave your family struggling. It's not really for you but for your loved ones.
When set-up correctly the benefit payment is paid out tax-free to your beneficiaries to use however they see fit.
It could be used to make sure the mortgage is cleared and the house is safe, as well as extra family protection and a whole manner of options. That's why you need to speak to professionals! We make it really simple and transparent to understand.
Most people consider obtaining life insurance cover at key points during their life such as getting married, buying a home or having a child. Also if you’re the primary breadwinner of the household, it’s definitely something you should consider putting in place.
Do I need it?
When considering whether you need this form of protection, ask yourself how your loved ones would cope should the worst happen to you? From a financial standpoint would they be able to continue life as normal? Or would they suddenly struggle ? Most people can't afford to lose an entire income overnight.
Common sense prevailing, most individuals see life insurance as a very important form of protection that they should have in place, especially if they or the family have any significant outstanding debts, such as a mortgage.
Velvet understands that it’s not the most pleasing thought if something should happen to you. But in the event that it does, you want to be prepared in the best possible way. You don’t want your family facing financial hardship when you are no longer around to care for them. Velvet knows that you want to remove any financial pressure from your loved ones so they can focus on dealing with your loss and getting back up on their feet.
You can even include Illness Cover with your Life Insurance too if you are worried about falling ill.

Velvet go all out to help you! Offering honest, easy to understand advice, Joanna and her team can’t be bettered!
Thanks for all your help I recommend you to anyone looking to secure a mortgage and their critical life cover.
May 2022
Damien O'Dwyer

Highly recommend – very supportive and informative throughout the entire process. very professional team and clearly want to get the best deal. Even a global pandemic didnt stop them getting me a great mortgage deal! will be using the team again for my next property!
July 2022
Sam Little